Other ALTEKs
Products of Other Companies

These companies are not related in any way to ALTEK Consulting Inc. in Lincoln Park, N.J. which specializes in consulting services for the design and building of Object Oriented software systems.

However, as we occasionally receive mail intended for other ALTEKs, we post these addresses and contacts so that you can find the right place to send your questions.

Smalltalk and Object Oriented Software Systems Design
Altek Systems Research LLC
2 Kiel Ave, Box 316,
Kinnelon, NJ, 07405

Manufacturer of computer peripheral made for the GIS and CAD industry
ALTEK Corporation & KURTA Division
12210 Plum Orchard Drive,
Silver Spring,
MD 20904 USA
Tel: (301) 572 2555
Fax: (301) 572 2510

Aluminum casting equipment
Altek International Inc., Corporate Headquarters
314 Exton Commons
Exton, PA 19341
Tel: (610) 524-6291
Fax: (610) 524-6295

Barcode printers and scanners
Altek Instruments Ltd
Enterprise House
Terrace Road
Walton on Thames, UK KT12 2SD

Calibration standards
Altek Industries
210 Commerce Drive
Rochester, New York 14623 U.S.A.
Tel: 716-334-3720
Fax: 716-334-6673

Microfilm handling equipment
Altek Systems
P.O. Box 741068
Houston, Texas 77274-1068
Tel: 800-627-1123